Friday, April 15, 2011

Review: Green Health Super Sheep Placenta 13500mg

Sheep placenta! I'm sure many of you have heard of it and its amazing benefits. I had taken one brand for 3 months' time.

Description: Super Ovine Placenta is 100% pure and natural used for rejuvenating your body cells and good health. Each Soft Gel containsL Ovine Placenta 13500mg (equiv to fresh), Grape Seed Extract (equiv to fresh) 1200mg, Grape Seed Oil 200mg and Encapsulating Aid.

It costs around $38 for 60 tabs. I take one per day. At the second month, I did notice that I looked more radiant. There was a healthy glow and my face looked more supple. However, I wasn't completely sure if it was due to these pills.

At the fourth month, I realised that I looked very dull. Skintone appeared to have turned darker. This was two or three weeks after I stopped taking the pills. Therefore, I am very certain that these pills are really working.

It is a cheap and effective supplement, less than $40 for 2 months' supply! But I have stopped taking it due to the potential side effects from consuming it.


  1. hi, what kind of side effects are you referring to? thanks. :)

    - reis

  2. Hi Reis,

    Placentas are full of hormones, so theoretically, they should improve our complexion when we consume it. Due to these hormones, it may be stimulating both our healthy as well as unhealthy cells. This increases our risk of getting cancer. I am not very sure how true this is. But there are also other sources which stated that taking placenta actually reduces the risk of cancer. We do not have a clear answer to that now.

    In addition, the source of the placenta is very important too. It may increase the chances of passing on allergic reactions, such as inter-species diseases, to us if it is not clean.

    How safe it is to consume? What side effects? All these have never been scientifically verified. Therefore, I say that there are potential side effects. There is a risk that it would damage your health.

    Hope this helps!


  4. Hi there, I would not recommend taking this during pregnancy or when breast-feeding as it contains hormones.

  5. Is this good for senior citz ie 77 who take cholestrol medication and osteoporosis meds and a female who cannot stomach red meat and has some allergic reactions to pollens, but no known food allergies as such?

  6. Hi there, sorry for the late reply. It would be best to seek advice from the doctor.
